Monday, October 11, 2010


Last week was QUITE a doozy. Decisions, decisions, decisions. I feel as if my mind is a Microsoft screen saver with "overwhelmed" panning across the screen in size 72 font. So in all of the confusion I had to declare a day with the giver of peace, Jesus. I need Him to tell me everything is in His hands. He did. Last Wednesday was our day. He led me through Ephesians in the morning- and I received a lot of comfort through Paul's words.

CH1 VS11 -- Was the verse that really stuck out to me. "In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who woks out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.
That just makes me breathe easy and deep-- knowing the fact that everything will work out according to HIM. He is SO in control. No need to worry or huff and puff and be overtly rude to random people.
CH4 VS1&2 -- They paint such a lovely picture of what I want to be. "As a prisoner for the Lord, then , I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received." Being a prisoner for the Lord might be confusing for the first read,but if you read Romans it speaks of being a prisoner and explains it quite clearly. The idea is being Christ's prisoner is a picture of freedom, because in Him is true freedom, grace, unconditional love, and everlasting mercy. I'd rather be a prisoner for Him then for the world- chained in jealousy, locked in bitterness, drenched in self-pity and worried about the future. VS 2,"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." That is simple, and I'm striving everyday (with His strength) to be somewhat of the picture that paints.

Well there is some hope for all of you readers. Love you. Have a day full of sunshine and grace.
Time for some more coffee --- : )

A hopeful girl,

Monday, October 4, 2010

This blog might be slightly random/unmethodical/ a haphazard

I'm finding myself unable to stray away from this morning... I haven't in a while, and I think I've been waiting. Not for a topic to rant about, but for the time to do it. I've had many topics these past couple days, so I'll skim on each of them, just because they are funny. Everything these days has been a potential blog in the imaginary stage- from driving back and forth to Nashville BY MYSELF, to the massive moving sale we took on last weekend, OH! and even the pageant I attended for my tan friend - Candace. From sun up to down there have been many off the wall memories made that I have been just craving to decorate into colorful sentences for all of you to read.

Also, take a look at this picture. It is just wonderful, huh? It's only my favorite lady and my favorite food (from McDonald's and ONLY with honey). I have to have both of these things before I sing! Leslie and McNuggets! YUM!

Moving on. Life is as usual, moving quickly and all a blur. Love it. Family = great, Boyfriend = wonderful, Songs on ITunes = YAY, opportunities = They DEFINATELY are coming at me!, Oh- can't forget the kitty cat- Issabella is just swell as well.. HA! My relationship with Christ has been going, but the problem is - the relationship is all me, talking all the time and throwing my problems at Him and expecting everything to POOF be perfect. I'm getting back into the Word (Bible) and remembering his true peace and the way He works. He is so good to always welcome back after I've been conducting the "Charity Show"... I'm so thankful. Lately I've been reading Nehemiah- our church is going through it, too which is good because it's not like reading Matthew- it's a little more complicated. You can listen to the sermons if you want at They are the most recent sermons, and have applied UNBELIEVABLY to my life.. once again, God's perfect timing.

I'm heading to NYC with momma, daddy, Scott Smith (daddy best friend and friend of all of ours!), and BOYFRIEND! OHHHH and ONLY my BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD is living there- whom I haven't seen in ABSOLUTELY forever. CONLY!!!!!!!

I'm beyond excited. I'm singing at the Waldorf and Bobby is accompanying me. It's going to be awesome. Super duper psyched...although I'm sure the ALL CAPS has informed you of that fact.

Have a wonderful day full of joy and undeniable, overwhelming love.
A hopeful girl,

Monday, September 6, 2010

good: morning|afternoon|evening

Oh! my goodness.

Have you ever had a goal in the forefront of your mind that you swear to yourself you have to finish? And sometimes you worry the gumption that you contain so strongly might fade, so you promise you'll just hurry while the drive lasts?
Unfortunately, the drive fades and with every moment an accompanied feeling of dissatisfaction exists, revealing the fact that you still haven't completed your concept, idea, or project.
Or maybe that's just me?
Well, I have this grand idea that I'd enjoy making reality... And I tried some online shopping for Disney's famous "sprinkle to life fancy powder", but I just haven't been able to come across any POOF! it's real dust. Gosh, I should learn to stick to something until I finish it, you know? Maybe it's not time to finish it...OH! I should inform you of this idea I speak of- yes. Well, I aspire to write a book. I would have liked to be at least half way through it by the time I hit the 18 year old mark because then, everything you do isn't as amazing as it would have been when you were younger, but there's no way. Well, as I hunch over two oversized and stuffy pillows (cute pattern - wasn't for comfort), I'm frustrated at my "set high goals and don't achieve them" self. Is there hope for this book to be finished - ever? I've got most of the chapters ready in format, ideas formulated and underlying themes conceived, but the actual writing...? Nope, not done.

Sh. you depressing downer of a girl! Start this masterpiece and call it "Seventeen"!!!
what? ..just.happened..

Soon. I'll inform you, also, of my progress on this blueprint of a book.
A hopeful girl,

the beginning/dawn/birth/genesis of the Idealist Blog:

Welcome to my outlet of brightly colored ideas and fantasies.
I figured 50 {ish} posts were enough of an excuse to create this new fancy little blog!
Hope you enjoy the thoughts, please comment if you feel the need.
The next post on this blog will be a lot brighter - promise - This one's goal was more to inform your precious minds- YAY!

A hopeful girl,